3D Matterport video

Legacy’s best-selling singlewide floorplan with 3 bedrooms, and 2 baths at 1,188 square feet, this singlewide manufactured home is perfect for you! Explore the freedom of choice with our diverse selection of singlewide floorplans. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, a growing family, or seeking a cozy retreat, we have the ideal manufactured home for you. From compact one-bedroom designs to spacious three-bedroom layouts, our homes cater to every lifestyle.

Stain-resistant vinyl-wrapped walls are one of Legacy’s biggest advantages. Many of our competitors use paper-covered walls, which are not washable, not stain-resistant, and definitely not heavy-duty.

The furniture-friendly design allows great flexibility in furniture placement and allows multiple furniture configurations to fit any homeowner’s needs. We thought of a place for everything, so you don’t have to. We stand behind our product as being Taller, Wider, and Better than our competitors!

See what makes Legacy homes stand the test of time in our latest free home catalog. Get your free copy today!

Looking for more information on this customer-approved singlewide floorplan? Contact us using the form below!

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